The below resources have been collected to help you stay connected with your loved one, provide support for your emotional and mental wellbeing, and give you essential tools to provide your loved one with the best care possible.
Caregiver 101 Online Learning Module
During this online learning module developed by The Ontario Caregiver Organization, you will learn about caregiving roles, conflicts in caregiving, caregiver burnout, what to expect, developing resilience, and what supports are available.
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Find Caregiver Support (Ontario)
While rewarding, the role of a caregiver can strain and impact our overall sense of wellbeing. Access the resources you need today by checking out what is available through the Ontario Caregiver Organization.
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Find Caregiver Support (British Columbia)
Family Caregivers of BC is here to provide access to resources, offer emotional support and let you know that as a caregiver, you are not alone and you what you do is incredible.
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Making it easier and more convenient for seniors and their families to find the information they need to connect to services and resources.
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Educational Webinars on Dementia
Learn about dementia by signing up for one of the Alzheimer Society’s many live webinars, or review their recorded videos about a range of different dementia topics.
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Caregivers Out Loud: A Podcast by Family Caregivers of BC
Caregivers Out Loud is a podcast powered by Family Caregivers of British Columbia, which provides a space to connect, listen and learn with other caregivers. Listen to insightful, authentic and heart-centered conversations with other caregivers.
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Virtual Visits Toolkit by OARC
Access resources on how to use Zoom, Skype and Facetime. This toolkit was prepared by Family Councils Ontario, the Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils, and Tech Coaches Inc. as part of a collaborative partnership to support family members and residence teams facilitate video calls between residents and their loved ones.
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Take a minute to learn about Ontario’s long-term care sector, from how it works to how it can be improved for generations to come.
Palliative Care
As an organization committed to Cultivating Happiness in Daily Life, we have leaned on our Purpose to establish a ground-breaking approach, where palliative care is not the end but a vibrant continuum of life. In cultivating happiness through a palliative approach to care, we redefine our traditional understanding by focusing not just on the end-of-life moments, but on living each day to its fullest.
We encourage you to learn more by reading our Cultivating Happiness in Palliative Care: A Guide for Families found HERE
Advanced Care Planning
Making an advance care plan will ensure that your journey in long-term care is a positive one. It is a process of reflection and communication, a time to consider values and wishes, and to let others know what care is preferred should an individual become incapable of making decisions about their care.
Educational Webinars
Learn more about brain health by watching these educational webinars in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society.
Learn about brain health, from onset to progression of disease and the symptoms one may experience.
Click to watch
Caring for people living with Dementia can be physically and emotionally draining. Learn how to meaningfully engage with persons living with dementia as well as when to ask for caregiver support.
Click to watch
Click to see presentation
Mental Health Resouces
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. As a caregiver or loved one to someone in long-term care, you may face additional stressors in your life. Below, we’ve compiled a few mental health resources you may find useful.
Wellness Together Canada
- A collection of free resources for Canadians looking for mental health and substance use support.
Government of Ontario
- Free, confidential support for depression, anxiety, addiction, gambling, and other problems.
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAM-H)
- Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world's leading research centres. Where Mental Health is Health.
Health Link BC
- Medically-approved information on over 5,000 health topics, symptoms, medical tests, medications, and tips for healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
We hope these resources help you and your loved ones, and that you all stay healthy and safe.